Pavillon d’Or (2019.) is a layered experience of being a part of bright nature’s stillness.
Will, I ever have a chance
to sleep by the River of Love,
look on the mountain of Long Life,
and dip my vision in Sun Moon Lake
to be able to live more happily
in just any confinement.
Montri Umavijani
Water, lake, grass, woods, the softest flowery touch and a fig hidden beneath.
Ambiental and tranquil.
The breeze and mild sun rays in spring.
Watercolours: green and blue infused with yellow.
Moist tickles of fresh air in the nostrils, so profoundly rooted in my own vivid memories of being peaceful and relaxed, not wanting anything, just breathing…
A layered experience of being a part of bright nature’s stillness, Pavillon d’Or feels like Jardin de la Connaissance.
Disclosure – Gifted: PR sample provided by the brand.